Did you get to see Pete in Seattle? Want to share your photos? 

Send your pics to us at selfie@washingtonforpete.com

If you include a little bit about yourself and why you support Pete, you’ll also be featured on our blog in a future post!

Pete came to Seattle this past Saturday, and the city made it clear how excited we were to see him! Folks came from around the state, and we even had some intrepid folks make the trek up from Portland! Nearly 2000 people turned out and filled the Moore Theatre, many showing up hours early to grab signs, buttons, and, for a lucky few, a selfie with Pete in line!

Marquee of the Moore Theatre that reads "STG Presents: Pete For America Dec 14 7:30 PM"

A few of the Washington for Pete team led the audience in shouts of "PETE! PETE! PETE!" and "BOOT-EDGE-EDGE". 


Many of the volunteers who came to help check people in to the event and usher got a photo backstage with Pete! A huge thank you to everyone who stepped up to lend their time and energy for this event!